All Course

ID Course Name Duration Start Date
Bachelor of Agribusiness Management
Bachelor of Applied Communication
Bachelor of Applied Science (Geo-informatics)
Bachelor of Architectural Technology (B.Arch Tech.)
Bachelor of Architecture
Bachelor of Arts (Anthropology)
Bachelor of Arts (Applied Linguistics)
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Media)
Bachelor of Arts (Counselling Psychology)
Bachelor of Arts (Design)
Bachelor of Arts (Development Studies)
Bachelor of Arts (Developmental and Policy Studies)
Bachelor of Arts (Disaster Management, With IT)
Bachelor of Arts (Economics and Sociology)
Bachelor of Arts (English and Communication)
Bachelor of Arts (Film and Television)
Bachelor of Arts (Fine Arts)
Bachelor of Arts (French)
Bachelor of Arts (Gender)
Bachelor of Arts (Geography)
Bachelor of Arts (German)
Bachelor of Arts (History and Archaeology)
Bachelor of Arts (History and Economics)
Bachelor of Arts (History)
Bachelor of Arts (Interior Design)
Bachelor of Arts (International Relations and Diplomacy)
Bachelor of Arts (Kiswahili and Communication)
Bachelor of Arts (Literature)
Bachelor of Arts (Peace Education)
Bachelor of Arts (Penology, Correction and Administration)
Bachelor of Arts (Political Science and Public Administration)
Bachelor of Arts (Political Science)
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
Bachelor of Arts (Public Administration)
Bachelor of Arts (Religious Studies)
Bachelor of Arts (Sociology)
Bachelor of Arts (Textiles, Apparel Design and Fashion Merchandising, With IT)
Bachelor of Arts (Theater Arts & Film Technology)
Bachelor of Arts (Theology)
Bachelor of Arts in Community Development
Bachelor of Arts in History & International Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Kiswahili and Media Studies
Bachelor of Arts in Leadership and Management
Bachelor of Arts in Translation Studies
Bachelor of Broadcast Journalism
Bachelor of Broadcast Production
Bachelor of Business Administration in Office Administration
Bachelor of Business and Office Management
Bachelor of Business Information and Management
Bachelor of Business Information Technology
Bachelor of Business Management
Bachelor of Business Management (Civil Aviation Management)
Bachelor of Business Management (Marine Business Management)
Bachelor of Catering and Hotel Management
Bachelor of Co-operative Management
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)
Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing Option)
Bachelor of Commerce in Oil and Gas Management
Bachelor of Communication and Public Relations
Bachelor of Communication in Multimedia Journalism
Bachelor of Conflict Resolution and Humanitarian Assistance
Bachelor of Construction Management
Bachelor of Criminology
Bachelor of Dental Surgery
Bachelor of Disaster Management & International Diplomacy
Bachelor of Economics
Bachelor of Economics and Finance
Bachelor of Economics and Statistics
Bachelor of Education (Arts)
Bachelor of Education (Arts) Fine Art
Bachelor of Education (Arts) German
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education)
Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education)
Bachelor of Education (Guidance and Counselling)
Bachelor of Education (Home Science and Technology)
Bachelor of Education (ICT)
Bachelor of Education (Library Science)
Bachelor of Education (Music)
Bachelor of Education (Physical Education and Sports)
Bachelor of Education (Science)
Bachelor of Education (Special Needs Education)
Bachelor of Education (Technology Education)
Bachelor of Education Arts (Home Economics)
Bachelor of Education in Technology (Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Bachelor of Education in Technology (Mechanical Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Aeronautical Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical and Process Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial and Textile Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical and Production Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Bachelor of Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management
Bachelor of Environmental Studies
Bachelor of Environmental Studies (Environmental Resource Conservation)
Bachelor of Film and Animation
Bachelor of Health Services Management
Bachelor of Hotel and Hospitality Management
Bachelor of International Tourism Management
Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication
Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.)
Bachelor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.Ch.B)
Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Music (Technology)
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm)
Bachelor of Procurement and Contract Management
Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Bachelor of Public Policy and Administration
Bachelor of Purchasing and Supplies Management
Bachelor of Radiography
Bachelor of Real Estate
Bachelor of Science (Accountancy)
Bachelor of Science (Actuarial Science)
Bachelor of Science (Aerospace Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Agribusiness Economics and Food Industry Management)
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural & Bio-systems Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Biotechnology)
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Economics and Resource Management)
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Economics and Rural Development)
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Economics)
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Education and Extension
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Resource Management)
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture & Human Ecology Extension)
Bachelor of Science (Agriculture)
Bachelor of Science (Agronomy, with IT)
Bachelor of Science (Analytical Chemistry)
Bachelor of Science (Animal Science)
Bachelor of Science (Applied Bioengineering)
Bachelor of Science (Applied Computer Science)
Bachelor of Science (Applied Optics and Lasers)
Bachelor of Science (Applied Statistics with Computing)
Bachelor of Science (Applied Statistics with Programming)
Bachelor of Science (Applied Statistics)
Bachelor of Science (Astronomy and Astrophysics)
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. General)
Bachelor of Science (Bio-resources Management and Conservation)
Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry)
Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences)
Bachelor of Science (Biology)
Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science and Technology)
Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science)
Bachelor of Science (Biometry and Informatics)
Bachelor of Science (Biostatistics)
Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)
Bachelor of Science (Chemistry)
Bachelor of Science (Civil Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Clothing Textile & Interior Design)
Bachelor of Science (Community Resource Management)
Bachelor of Science (Computer Security and Forensics)
Bachelor of Science (Conservation Biology)
Bachelor of Science (Corporate Communication and Management)
Bachelor of Science (Crop Improvement & Protection)
Bachelor of Science (Dairy Technology & Management)
Bachelor of Science (Dry Land Agriculture & Enterprise Development)
Bachelor of Science (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Electronic and Computer Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Electronics)
Bachelor of Science (Environmental and Bio-systems Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Chemistry)
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Health)
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Horticulture & Landscaping Technology)
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management)
Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science)
Bachelor of Science (Event and Convention Management)
Bachelor of Science (Exercise & Sport Science)
Bachelor of Science (Fashion Design and Marketing)
Bachelor of Science (Finance)
Bachelor of Science (Financial Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Food Operations Management)
Bachelor of Science (Food Science and Technology)
Bachelor of Science (Food Security)
Bachelor of Science (Food, Nutrition and Dietetics)
Bachelor of Science (Forensic Biology)
Bachelor of Science (Forensic Science)
Bachelor of Science (Forestry)
Bachelor of Science (Genomic Sciences)
Bachelor of Science (Geology)
Bachelor of Science (Geomatics & Geospatial Information Systems)
Bachelor of Science (Geophysics)
Bachelor of Science (Geospatial Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Geospatial Information Science)
Bachelor of Science (Graphic, Communication and Advertising)
Bachelor of Science (Health Promotion)
Bachelor of Science (Health Records and Informatics)
Bachelor of Science (Horticulture)
Bachelor of Science (Hospitality and Tourism Management)
Bachelor of Science (Human Resource Management)
Bachelor of Science (Hydrology and Water Resources Management)
Bachelor of Science (Industrial Chemistry)
Bachelor of Science (Industrial Mathematics)
Bachelor of Science (Informatics)
Bachelor of Science (Information Science)
Bachelor of Science (Innovation Technology Management)
Bachelor of Science (Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Land Administration)
Bachelor of Science (Land Resource Management)
Bachelor of Science (Land Resource Planning & Management)
Bachelor of Science (Leather Technology)
Bachelor of Science (Management Science)
Bachelor of Science (Manufacturing Engineering & Technology)
Bachelor of Science (Marine Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics & Business Studies, With IT)
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Computer Science)
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Economics)
Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
Bachelor of Science (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Mechatronic Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Media Science)
Bachelor of Science (Medical Biochemistry)
Bachelor of Science (Medical Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Medical Laboratory Science)
Bachelor of Science (Medical Microbiology)
Bachelor of Science (Meteorology)
Bachelor of Science (Microbiology and Biotechnology)
Bachelor of Science (Microbiology)
Bachelor of Science (Microprocessor Technology and Instrumentation)
Bachelor of Science (Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Molecular & Cellular Biology)
Bachelor of Science (Natural Resource Management)
Bachelor of Science (Nursing)
Bachelor of Science (Occupational Health & Safety)
Bachelor of Science (Operations Research)
Bachelor of Science (Optometry and Vision Sciences)
Bachelor of Science (Paramedic Science)
Bachelor of Science (Petroleum Chemistry)
Bachelor of Science (Petroleum Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Pharmaceutical Sciences, with IT)
Bachelor of Science (Physics)
Bachelor of Science (Physiotherapy)
Bachelor of Science (Population Health)
Bachelor of Science (Project Planning and Management)
Bachelor of Science (Public Administration and Leadership)
Bachelor of Science (Public Health)
Bachelor of Science (Public Management and Development)
Bachelor of Science (Quantity Surveying)
Bachelor of Science (Range Management)
Bachelor of Science (Records Management and Information Technology)
Bachelor of Science (Recreation and Sports Management)
Bachelor of Science (Renewable Energy and Bio-fuels Technology)
Bachelor of Science (Renewable Energy and Environmental Physics)
Bachelor of Science (Seed Science & Technology)
Bachelor of Science (Soil Science)
Bachelor of Science (Spatial Management)
Bachelor of Science (Statistics & Programming)
Bachelor of Science (Statistics)
Bachelor of Science (Strategic Management)
Bachelor of Science (Sustainable Energy & Climate Change Systems)
Bachelor of Science (Urban Design and Development)
Bachelor of Science (Waste Management)
Bachelor of Science (Water and Environment Management)
Bachelor of Science (Water and Environmental Engineering)
Bachelor of Science (Wildlife Management)
Bachelor of Science (Wood Science and Industrial Processes)
Bachelor of Science in Animal Health Management
Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology
Bachelor of Science in Applied Computer Technology
Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics and Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Biology (Botany or Zoology Option)
Bachelor of Science in Clinical Medicine
Bachelor of Science in Community Health
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology
Bachelor of Science in Ecotourism
Bachelor of Science in Entomology and Parasitology
Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
Bachelor of Science in Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Bachelor of Science in Ethnobotany
Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Aquaculture
Bachelor of Science in Global Health and Travel Medicine
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
Bachelor of Science in Industrial Biotechnology
Bachelor of Science in Information & Communications Technology Management
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in International Business Management
Bachelor of Science in Management Information Systems
Bachelor of Science in Maritime Management (Commercial)
Bachelor of Science in Marketing, with IT
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Finance
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Modelling Processes
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Medical Biotechnology
Bachelor of Science in Medical Psychology
Bachelor of Science in Medical Psychology (B.Sc MedPsych)
Bachelor of Science in Medical Social Work
Bachelor of Science in Oral Health
Bachelor of Science in Procurement and Contract Management
Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy
Bachelor of Science in Renewable Energy and Technology
Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Statistics & Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Telecommunication and Information Engineering
Bachelor of Secretarial Management and Administration
Bachelor of Social Work
Bachelor of Sports Management
Bachelor of Technology (Applied Biology)
Bachelor of Technology (Biotechnology)
Bachelor of Technology (Building Construction)
Bachelor of Technology (Business Information Technology)
Bachelor of Technology (Communication and Computer Networks)
Bachelor of Technology (Design)
Bachelor of Technology (Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology)
Bachelor of Technology (Food Science and Technology)
Bachelor of Technology (Journalism and Mass Communication)
Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical Engineering Technology)
Bachelor of Technology (Nutrition and Dietetics)
Bachelor of Technology (Office Administration and Technology)
Bachelor of Technology (Science Laboratory Technology)
Bachelor of Technology (Technical and Applied Physics)
Bachelor of Technology in Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology
Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology
Bachelor of Tourism Management
Bachelor of Travel & Tours Management
Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
Diploma in Teacher Education (Biology/Mathematics)

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